State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, as a vocational education institution, is continuously developing and increasing both in quantity and quality. The increasing in number of students and facilities, in the other side, has caused the increasing in energy consumption. Electricity problem then occurred because the increasing in energy consumption caused the increasing in electricity bills. The purposes of this research are to calculate the electricity consumption intensity at the class rooms and the laboratories in order to know the electricity usage efficiency in State Polytechnic of Bengkalis; to know the electricity consumption profile in State Polytechnic of Bengkalis; to prevent the energy wasting without decreasing the comfort of the users and fulfill the required standard; to increase the electricity usage efficiency in campus without decreasing the productivity and comfort in teaching-learning and the administration process; also to give input towards State Polytechnic of Bengkalis related to energy saving possibility that can be applied by State Polytechnic of Bengkalis. The energy audit coverage was started from a simple data survey up to calculating the existing data specifically, and then, combined with the specific test towards the facilities (buildings), which was designed to result new data. The time needed to conduct an energy audit depended on the size and type of the facilities available in each building and also the purpose of the audit itself.
Key words : energy audit, pre-survey, electricity efficiency
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