Journal Inovasi dan Teknologi (Inovtek) Polbeng is a scientific research-based journal. The name INOVTEK Journal Polbeng is used because INOVTEK Journal Polbeng is a pioneering journal of Bengkalis State Polytechnic since 2011. Scientific articles can be in the form of research results, original research articles, reviews and scientific studies. Based on the focus and scope of the journal, articles that can be loaded in this journal include:
Engineering (marine technology)
INOVTEK POLBENG  is an open-access journal. Readers may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles without any charge. All submitted papers are peer-reviewed before being accepted for publication. The authors who intend to submit manuscripts to INOVTEK POLBENG  should follow the norms described in the guidelines.
Each volume in a year is published in electronic form with a different number. The publication with the number 1 in June and number 2 in November. The language used in this journal is Bahasa Indonesia and English.
INOVTEK POLBENG  has been ACCREDITED in SINTA 5 since 2018 until 2020 by Directorate General of Strengthening Research and Development-Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education-Republic of Indonesia in 2018 for Volume 8 Number 1 to Volume 10 Number 2 with No 36/E/KPT/2019.
Journal title | Inovtek Polbeng: Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis |
Initials | IP |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
DOI | Prefix 10.35314 by Crossref |
ISSN | Media Online :Â 2580-2798 Media Print : Â 2088-6225 |
Acreditation | SINTA 5 36/E/KPT/2019 |
Editor-in-chief | Budhi Santoso |
Managing Editor | Supianto |
Publisher | P3M Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar, Crossref |

Posted: 2018-08-16 | |
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Vol 14, No 1 (2024): INOVTEK VOL 14 NO 1
Table of Contents
Muhammad Usman Sikandar
Dika Anggara
Hanif Giffari Faldera
Agus Purwanto, Setyawan Dwi Nugroho, Edi Hariyono, Izhary Siregar, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin
Faizin Adi Nugroho, Agus Purwanto, Agus Purwanto, Setyawan Dwi Nugroho, Setyawan Dwi Nugroho, Citra Zaskia Pratiwi, Citra Zaskia Pratiwi, Iman Mawardi, Iman Mawardi
M. Irfan Kurniadi, Ahmad Yasim, R. Puranggo Ganjar Widityo
Mahasin Maulana Ahmad
Heni Siswanti, M. Musta'in, Iezatul A. Kariem
Romadhoni romadhoni, Septi Ayu Angraini, aprizawati aprizawati
pardi Pardi
Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi
Cover dan Daftar Isi VOL. 14 NO 1 2024
supianto supianto