Pelatihan Fhotography dan Editing dengan menggunakan Smartphone untuk Meningkatkan Promosi serta Visual Branding pada UMKM Kelurahan Kota Bengkalis

Nageeta Tara Rosa, Rini Arvika Sari, Erma Domos


In the current era of technological development and internet adoption, promotional activities have become a primary need for a business or enterprise. However, most business actors have limited knowledge in product photography and the application of technology, especially creating social media content to make it easier for members to promote their business products. The aim of this service activity is to train Photography and Editing using Smartphones to improve Promotion and Visuals. Branding in Bengkalis City Subdistrict MSMEs. This activity makes it easy for MSME business actors to increase product value, so that they can achieve increased marketing. Apart from that, with this activity it is hoped that MSMEs can achieve a competitive and sustainable advantage in entrepreneurship, including promotional strategies using the latest technology, namely utilizing Smartphones that are already available. becoming a trend in the business world. Through this training, we can also improve the quality of human resources by providing knowledge to MSMEs to compete competitively towards a creative economy. The target of this activity is all business actors in MSMEs in the Bengkalis City Village. The method used is photography and editing training using smartphones to improve promotion and visual branding for MSMEs in Bengkalis City Village as well as socializing program results in seminars or media. The outcome of this activity is an increase in the knowledge and skills of MSME business actors in Bengkalis City Village in terms of photography and editing, and the use of smartphone technology and promotional strategies.


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